What makes the garden look good? In general, you want shrubs and trees and grass to soften the hard lines of the corner of the house and lot. Some people actually took out the grass and use a patio surrounded by beds. However, the flat green seaweed adds contrast to the shrub beds. Grass is also good if you have kids. Cool grass with one foot bare foot in summer is a treat to enjoy.
Some things are highly important to put you on the scale house or turn it off, especially if a high or a big house. But you do not want things that are so high that they block all light. A tree has a very high place, but the added element of "greatness." A large tree to go south or west side to protect you from the hot sun. This also adds a habitat for the children and singing birds.
Carve their beds in the light spot checks at external borders. Making them three times as much according to your need. The number of grass is really very small, maybe enough for six chairs and a picnic table, or maybe three towels. A 50/50 ratio of grass beds is recommended. If you are lucky enough to have a lot of land, you may want to rest in bed room with a bush or fence peninsula, the road winding up from one "room" to another. This room is not square, they are just places where more or less separated.
One of the most pleasant experience, gardening is a secret, because when you glance over the garden corner or around the harbor. To get this invite mystery air your house plants to the outside corners of the trees and shrubs and their highest down to the street entrance. This means that they buy a home landscape as an open hand. Wide open, however, will stop and let in light.
Another good thing to include in your pages is like a truck access. At one time or another to get a big sofa to the back door or a cement truck or 6 feet from the fertilizer. Even if this is a giant gate in the fence that opens once in six years, make sure you have it. If access is not big enough for trucks, then make at least wide enough for wheelchairs. Just as the hidden area is also very good.
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